FoxGloves offers fine garden care services to meet the horticultural needs of a wide range of landscape settings. Our goal is to understand and honor the integrity of a garden's design (or if renovating an old garden - discover or tease one out) in conjunction with our clients' goals and desired level of service. We view the garden as a living community (much like our families) and keep our client's outdoor environments thriving and beautiful in evolving conditions.

Frequent tending of gardens gives us an understanding of the character and subtleties of a landscape, allowing us to make sound proposals to enhance a garden or to realize unnoticed potential. Our clients have come to appreciate and rely on us for ideas which naturally emerge from our intimate connection with their landscapes.

We recommend that garden maintenance be approached proactively, to prevent small problems from becoming major issues. We encourage our clients to involve us regularly throughout the season, with particular focus in the Spring and Fall, when the plants are very active in transition from emergence and preparing for dormancy. We offer various options for frequency of service and advice about which would best meet your garden's horticultural requirements and budget.

When on site, we consider home to be sacred, so conduct ourselves with deep respect for our clients and their homes.

Garden Care & Maintenance Services

Frequency options: weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, seasonally or on-call

Installation Services

Garden Rejuvenation Services

I've just arrived home and... I love it. I love the colors and especially the textures.
After two weeks with a lot of nights out, I've poured myself a glass of red wine, put on a pile jacket and am headed out to enjoy the garden.
~ Rebecca